everyone!! I hope you all had a great week.
This week was pretty good
:) Ovidio was baptized! :) it was a great experience and I am so happy
to have had the opportunity to participate in this moment with him.
Attached is a photo of him after leaving the water :) he walked out and
was so happy!
I wanted to send a talk that has helped me out this week from President
Uchtdorf. I know that it isn't always easy, sometimes things are harder
than we thought possible and we don't understand why. But I know that the
Lord has a plan for everything, and I know that these trials... are just
for a moment, trust in Him, have faith in Him, in His plan and in His
love. Stand firm and true and you will see at the end of it all, there
is a grand purpose in our struggle in this life.
¨Not long ago my wife, Harriet, and I were at an airport watching magnificent airplanes land. It was a windy day, and fierce gusts of wind whipped against the approaching aircraft, causing each one to swerve and shudder during the approach.
As we observed this struggle between nature and machine, my mind went back to my own flight training and the principles I learned there—and later taught to other pilots in training.
“Don’t fight the controls during turbulence,” I used to tell them.“Stay cool; don’t over re-act. Keep your eyes focused on the center line of the runway. If you deviate from your desired approach path, make prompt but measured corrections. Trust the potential of your airplane. Ride the turbulence out.”
Experienced pilots understand that they can’t always control the things that happen around them. They can’t just turn off the turbulence. They can’t make the rain or snow vanish. They can’t cause the wind to stop blowing or change its direction.
But they also understand that it’s a mistake to fear turbulence or strong winds—and especially to be paralyzed by them. The way to land safely when conditions are less than ideal is to stay on the correct track and glide path as perfectly as possible.
As I watched one airplane after another make its final approach and recalled the principles learned from my years as a pilot, I wondered if there wasn’t a lesson in this for our daily lives.
We can’t always control the storms that life puts in our path. Sometimes things simply don’t go our way. We may feel shaken and blown about by the turbulence of disappointment, doubt, fear, sadness, or stress.
During those times, it is easy to get caught up in everything that is going wrong and to make our troubles the center of our thoughts. The temptation is to focus on the trials we are facing instead of on the Savior and our testimony of truth.
But that is not the best way to navigate through our challenges in life.
Just as an experienced pilot keeps his focus not on the storm but on the center of the runway and the correct touch down point, so too should we keep our focus on the center of our faith—our Savior, His gospel, and the plan of our Heavenly Father—and on our ultimate goal—to return safely to our heavenly destination. We should trust God and make staying on the track of discipleship the focus of our efforts. We should keep our eyes, heart, and mind focused on living the way we know we should.
Showing our faith and trust in Heavenly Father by joyfully keeping His commandments will bring us happiness and glory. And if we stay on the path, we will get through any turbulence—no matter how strong it may appear—and return safely to our heavenly home.
Whether the skies around us are clear or filled with threatening clouds, as disciples of Jesus Christ, we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, knowing that if we do so, everything else we need will eventually be provided (seeMatthew 6:33).
What an important life lesson!
The more we obsess about our difficulties, our struggles, our doubts, and our fears, the more difficult things can become. But the more we focus on our final heavenly destination and on the joys of following the disciple’s path—loving God, serving our neighbor—the more likely we are to successfully navigate through times of trouble and turbulence.
Dear friends, no matter how violently the winds of our mortal existence howl around us, the gospel of Jesus Christ will always offer the best path to a safe landing in our Heavenly Father’s kingdom.¨
love you all!! have a great week.
love Hermana Speakman
This is the gentleman that I wrote about a few weeks ago. Before being baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, he belong to the Jehovah witness church.