Thursday, March 19, 2015

week 3 (3/13-3/19)

     Hey everyone! 
     Sorry about last week, I didn't really have anything new to say. But this past week has been awesome!
     It´s been hard losing a lot of close friends that we've made here in just two weeks, but being here is still great. On Saturday we went out proselyting in Buenos Aires about 40 minutes away from the Temple, which is literally across the street from us. We were each given about a 24 block radius to cover for a little less than 5 hours. A bus took us out past these insane concrete jungles, it was humbling to know that people are actually living in them, and all I could think was "please keep driving, please keep driving" haha. 
     There are approximately 2 rules for driving here, don't hit anyone, and don't get hit. A few elders had panic attacks on our journey haha. We got dropped off in neighborhoods with sack lunches and google map print-offs and were told to be back where we were dropped off in 5 hours. lol It was definitely different. For the first hour we walked around and said hi to a few people and ate lunch, it was pretty discouraging.  We felt like we had no idea what we were doing, and it was during siesta time so nearly no one was on the streets. We finally stopped and just prayed, the results were amazing. We started walking down neighborhoods, our spanish still horrible and it was intimidating, but when we learned to laugh at it so did others. 
     We met some awesome people while we were out, one guy spoke perfect english and we all freaked out haha probably scared him away. Then we met some girls walking and stopped and talked with them for awhile. We literally had 3 different conversations with them. We would walk away from each other then they would call us back and we would talk about something else. We also met this super cool family from guess where... PARAGUAY! It was awesome. They were so nice they had a little boy the age of Sonja, and a daughter Naomi´s age. They taught us a little Guarani (a native language spoken in some parts of Paraguay), do I remember? Negatory, but it was cool! We are going to see them again this Saturday. We've been continuing to teach our teachers and its crazy how fast our spanish is coming along, especially when we pray before teaching, there is an absolute undeniable difference there. 
     Our district "Cita de la Semana" (Quote of the Week) come directly from my favorite books, "You´re gunna suffer, but you´re gunna be happy about it."-Ron Weasley.
     I hope all is well! Shout out to Maddy, and Grandpa Speakman, Happy Birthday Last week! And Sabryna Happy Birthday Today!!!!! And Sonja my baby, I miss you always. Happy Birthday!
     Have a great week everyone! Thank you for your prayers! Enos 1:15!!!!
     Also, if you ever have some cool story or spiritual thought or anything you want to share I would love to hear it. We get to print our emails out every week so its nice to have some talks etc to read! I love you guys!

Les Extraño!!!!!!!
Love, Hermana Speakman

1 comment:

  1. We are so,so excited for your great experiences and testimony of prayer.We are blessed by you and your Faith to step into darkness, not knowing before hand what the Lord, or where the Lord would have you go and do! You will be blessed forever for your leap and show of Faith! We love you!
