Monday, April 11, 2016

week 52 (4/11/2016)

Hey everyone! 
I hope you all had a great week!
We had another week with ups and downs, but it has ended with great lessons learned. 
This week, we had the opportunity to study a lot about the Plan of Salvation, or the plan that our Father in Heaven created for us that responds to three main questions; "Where did I come from?", "Why am I here?", and "Where will I go after this life?". This week we focused more on the second question... "why am I here on this earth?".  A question that I have personally asked a lot of times and I am sure many others have as well. This week I was able to understand a little bit better why I am here on this earth and why we have hard times and trials in this life. 
This life is not our final destination, this life is a time of testing, a time to learn, and more importantly a time to enjoy. One of the hardest things is finding joy in the rough moments. 
Its reacting with faith and trust, being calm before the storm that looks to destroy us. This week I was able to observe how things happen, how trials come, then the "storms" that try to demolish us... but I witnessed, how we react makes all the difference. 
I was able to learn this through the example of some less active members in our ward. These members are some of the strongest, sweetest and tender hearted people I have met.  They have been through trials that, had I passed through I am almost certain I would have come out a lot more hard hearted and meaner than they did. They are always smiling, always loving, looking out for others and for each other. They think of the Lord in all things and try their best to trust in him. 
As I have been around them and gotten to know them more, I have learned a precious truth more fully... Our attitude, and our reactions make all the difference. They chose, to be happy. They chose to have faith, they chose not to let it knock them down but to keep moving forward. 
I know its hard, I've made the mistake plenty of times to just get mad, to choose to be mad because I felt I had the right because of the trials I was passing.  But I know now, that though it may be hard.. it is possible to choose to be happy. To continue forward, smiling and laughing. To love others and serve them. And to trust in God in all things!
I hope you all have a great week this week!
I love you all!! miss you!! 
Hermana Speakman

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