Well, this week has been.. well haha its over and we made it through so thats what counts right? I have to say there are a lot of mixed emotions writing this email. However, if I've learned anything while being out on the mission it's that, God has a plan and He always, only wants the best for us. The strongest testimony I have of this has been my mission. I fought so hard promptings to go on a mission.. terrified and really just believing I couldn't do it, and without any desires to even try. However, the Lord in His infinite patience.. and mercy, waited, and waited, and waited until I finally quit fighting and decided to go forward with my eyes shut trying to have faith. And I am, and will be eternally grateful for the time He allowed me to be in the beautiful country of Paraguay. For the people I met, the love I felt and the many lessons I learned. I will miss it with all my heart, but I know, that God knows why and that, is enough for me.
Thank you all for all of your love, for your support, for your prayers and for your examples throughout this journey. I know that I could not have done it without you all.